If your mystery shop scores below a certain percentage in a mystery shop, an action plan will be created and put into your inbox on the client portal.
In order to access the client portal and view the action plan, go to www.proinsight.org/client-login/, put in your login and password.
Scroll down on the homepage to your mailbox to see which action plans need completing:
Click onto the blue text/hyperlink and this will open a new window where you will fill in the action plan.
Once you have filled in the action plan, you will need to press 'Check Complete' to ensure you have filled in all the required fields. If you receive an error to say that some required fields are incomplete, simply press 'Cancel' on the error, check the incomplete fields (the system will highlight these in red) and update the action plan. Once all of the required fields are complete, press 'Save'.
Once you have pressed save, it will take you back to the homepage. You will need to scroll down to your mailbox and press 'submit'.
The action plan is then completed and submitted.