In order to complete mystery shops you will need to:
1. Refresh your inbox so that your inbox is up to date and displaying the latest audits. Do this by dragging down on the screen and then releasing. The mystery shops should then download into your inbox.
2. Next, click into the mystery shop that you wish to complete. You will then be able to start completing the audit questions.
3. You can also use the Jump option (top left) to navigate straight to specific sections or questions.
4. You can also use the Jump option to navigate to questions that has errors: The errors will be highlighted with a red line on the left hand side. Simply tap on the affected questions to answer them.
5. Once you have answered all questions, click Next until you are on the last question. Then click Done.
6. Clicking Done should bring you back to the Home page. A big submit button should appear on the assignment. Click it to Submit.