The filtering system within the client area can be used to find a mystery shop with ease or to filter which mystery shop data you would like to sample when running reports. The filtering system allows you to filter by time period, campaign, mystery shop type and location.

The below screenshot illustrates what the filtering system can do and shows how you can use it to target certain times, campaigns, mystery shops or locations.

1. Choose a set of dates that you would like to filter by. This can be any time period and may be useful when trying to find a specific mystery shop report or running reports on a targeted period of time.

2. If you know that you need a 'YTD' report or want to view all the results in the last 3 months, these instant options can be a time saver.

3. Filter by campaign. You may only want to run reports or see mystery shops from a certain campaign so this tool can be useful for narrowing down this criteria.

4. Many clients have multiple surveys on the system and so this feature allows you to choose a certain one.

5. You may want to target your reporting based on certain questions and this feature allows you to do so.

6. Filter by a certain set of locations.

7. Filter by a custom property that has been communicated to our support team. For example, you may want to let us know about regions or business units so that you can easily distinguish between them.

8. Click this button to allow multiple selection of questions or surveys if you want to see more than just one.

9. Press the '+' or '-' button to expand or diminish the number of filters available. The above shows an expanded selection.

Once you have chosen your filters, you can then access the mystery shops or reports that you wanted. For more information on how to do so, click here.